Shuttle Service: Leuven to Halle

To make your experience as smooth as possible, we are offering a special shuttle service on Saturday and Sunday morning from Leuven (finish location) to Halle (start location). This way, you can focus entirely on your performance without worrying about transportation.

Baggage transport will be provided from Halle (start) to Leuven (Finish) for those taking the shuttle.

You can drop off your luggage at 200m from the start and pick it up at the afterparty on the Ladeuzeplein (500m from finish).

Please note: There are only 114 spots available! First come, first served.

Shuttle Schedule

  • 06:45: Arrival at Bodart Parking in Leuven to load bikes.
  • 08:00: Shuttle departure.
  • 09:30: Arrival in Halle.
  • 10:00: Bikes available for pickup.

Participant with bike: This shuttle is specifically for participants who need to bring their bike. Please note: There are only 65 spots available for this option. During registration, you must provide your UCI ID.

  • Price: € 50

Register quickly via the link below to secure your spot!